Epigenetic Hair Analysis

Epigenetic is the study of how our environment is allowing our genes to express themselves. An analogy we use is, your genes are the loaded gun but what is pulling the trigger is your environment, what you consume, your stress levels, toxicity level, and so much more.

3-4 Hair Follicles For Testing

Our hair holds 90 Days of information about what has been affecting your in your body the most during this in that time period. With these follicles we place on the S-Drive and the results are then sent back to us within minutes. The S-Drive is using over 800 wellness indicators and converting it into a 37 priority system report that we will dissect together to see where the body needs support and best way to address it. With this information we will customize a protocol for the next 12 weeks to rebalance the body.

Before investing $5,000+ in other functional lab testing , a hair scan is a good place to start to see where your body is currently at and to work with an experienced practitioner to guide you in building daily habits and setting the foundation of health, based off your personalized report.

What the Test Can Detect

  • Deficiencies of Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Amino Acids, and Fatty Acids.
  • Environmental Factors; EMF’s, Radiation, Chemical/Hydrocarbons, Heavy Metals
  • Pathogen Overgrowth; Fungus, Bacteria, Mold, Parasites, Virus, and Post Virus.
  • Systems Struggling within the body and need support; Hormones, Gut Health, Detoxification System, Digestion, Stress, and more.

  • In Person Hair Scans

    Hair Scans may be done in person in the studio. I will remove 3-4 hair follicles from your hair and place it in the S-Drive- results take 15-20 minutes. We will discuss your results and will come up with your 90 Day Wellness Plan. You may also add it to your facial treatment + we will set a time to discuss the results at a later time.

  • Virtual Hair Scans

     Not local or don't live close to the studio? Schedule a virtual scan and I will mail you your hair kit. With detailed instructions you will remove the hair strands and drop the kit off at the mail carrier (postal included) and this will be sent to the lab. Once I receive the results I will contact you to discuss.

  • Wellness Plan

    We will check in every month for 3 months to see how your wellness plan is going. We may add in supplements, detoxes, adjust lifestyle habits depending on your scan and wellness goals. You will receive a detailed email with your plan and any recommendations / links.

    Whether your goals are to improve your skin, bloating, fatigue, brain fog, painful periods, and more I recommend rescanning so we can see where your levels at and what has improved. The ultimate goal is to have you feeling your best! 

    Rescanning in 90 days is recommended to see what has changed and improved.